Critics on the left often accuse anyone who criticises Labor of being influenced by Murdoch press. However, they overlook the fact that the Murdoch press has also targeted conservative leaders. Howard, Abbott, Turnbull (who leaned more left than right), and Morrison were actively targeted. All lost their positions as Prime Minister after the influence of these attacks on voters. Now, Dutton is facing similar.
Recently, Dutton has been the subject of what can only be described as a cheap hatchet piece by News Corp’s Samantha Maiden. A beat-up which was heavily exploited by Labor. Paul Kelly from The Australian regularly pens negative pieces about Dutton as he did in his column yesterday. Tony Bramston from The Oz is another. On SkyNews, Kieran Gilbert is a very frequent detractor. Some of the columnist in The Spectator also jump on the let’s bash Dutton bandwagon. So despite the lefts claims, the conservative press are equally prone to attacking conservative leaders as the leftwing press.
And both the left and those who claim to be on the right use the Murdoch/Newscorp press to attack conservative leaders on social media. And they have been extremely active in attacking Peter Dutton.
Add to that many of the so labelled right demanding that Dutton emulates Trump. Then openly declaring Dutton will not get their vote. They do that whilst ignoring the significant differences between the US and Australian electoral systems. The power disparity between a President and an Australian Prime Minister. Not to mention the vast difference in global influence between the two countries. Whilst many will consider this harsh, their demands are classic ignorance personified.
No Australian Prime Minister has the authority to sit behind a desk signing executive orders. No Australian Prime Minister is voted in as the leader of the country unlike a President. Australia is a small country relying heavily on exports to stay afloat and on imports to enable us to function. That requires a more considered approach to taking on global issues.
Conservatives attacking and undermining a conservative govt’s over several years has led to the continuation or rise of opportunistic minor and micro parties and independents. Parties and their supporters who purport to support conservative values. Parties like One Nation, Palmer’s manipulatively named Trumpet of Patriots (formerly UAP), The Libertarians (formerly Lib Dems), The Centre Alliance and The Katter Party. Their leaders talk tough, but talk is cheap, but it plays to an audience. And in 2022 it was their supporters who played a significant role in putting Labor government by preferencing them over the LNP.
In the 2022 election, this is the percentage of voters who claim to be conservatives in voting for the above parties who preferenced Labor ahead of the LNP.
One Nation–36%
Lib Dems–29%
Centre Alliance–60%
Over 600,000 votes preferencing Labor were from this group, the highest vote counts coming from UAP (239,548 votes) and One Nation (259,696 votes). That was a blatant act of treachery as Labor’s victory and subsequent government formation was down to preferences from those parties in winning several seats for Labor. No staunch conservative would have preferenced Labor. And for the record those percentages weren’t just an aberration in 2022. In fact the percentages were much higher in 2013 against Tony Abbott.
64% of independent voters preferenced Labor. Of that, the overall ‘Teal’ vote was 313,227. Whilst we blame the Teals (Greens) for putting Labor into Govt, the collective of so-called conservatives made a much bigger contribution.
Parliamentary votes show many elected independents are working against the LNP, contrary to their image. I also note in recent days I’ve been followed on X by two people who said in their bios they are going to run as independents for the senate. However, a quick scan of their X posts highlights they aren’t independent. They’re just anti-LNP candidates encouraging their followers to put the LNP last. Both have been blocked.
In this coming election, we can add Rennick’s People First Party. And no doubt a swag of independents, particularly for senate spots. They crave the power to be kingmakers.
The leaders of these micro and minor parties will not be the Prime Minister in 2025. And whilst as mentioned, they talk tough, that is easy to do when you will never be a position to deliver or to be held account!
Pauline Hanson has been around for a long time and whilst I agree with several things she stands for; her party would be lucky to achieve 6% of the vote. Clive Palmer is a conman. Make no mistake, Palmer is the fossil fuel equivalent of Simon Holmes a Court, protecting his business. His duplicity is legendary. First in usurping the United Australia Party mantle and then claiming their legendary prime ministers; Joseph Lyons, Billy Hughes and Robert Menzies as leaders of HIS party. Even publishing that on his website to con people. This round he has purchased the name Trumpet of Patriots to trade of Donald Trump’s win. Another con.
If we want to be rid of the scourge that is Labor & Greens in this country, conservative voters must stop playing games. Stop voting for the minor, micros and independents and put the Liberals or Nationals first. To do otherwise almost guarantees another three years of Labor, but this time it would be a minority Labor Govt. That means The Greens & Teals will hold the controlling vote and their demands are even worse than what Labor has lumbered us with already.
It is time to wake and wise up.
You may not like Peter Dutton, you don’t have to but if you want Labor gone and you don’t want to see this country in a bigger mess with a Labor, Greens/Teal minority vote for the Liberals or Nationals first.