Tuesday 20 August 2024

Sometimes we just need to be still…..

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.” ~ Rumi.

I love that quote and it is a reminder that we live in a world where every action and thought is judged by someone. These excessive judgments weigh us down and make us feel heavy-hearted and unsatisfied. Particularly on social media when comment results far too often in such vicious assaults.

But while we are naturally judging and discerning human beings, sometimes it is just wonderful to allow the radiance of the universe to permeate our consciousness and just be, and just let go.

We are always making distinctions and labeling things as right and wrong, good or bad, true or untrue, and so on. Sometimes it is exhausting to carry all the burdens of excessive judgment.

When we confront that situation, we need to just take some deep breaths, sit in our favorite seated position in our sacred meditation space, and just be.

No judgment of technique.

No comparison.

No burden of the right way…or the wrong way..

Just descend into the sacred silence between thoughts, the place called the “gap” and meet our higher self in stillness. 🌺🌺