Saturday, 22 April 2017

Dear Prime Minister Turnbull - Yes Me Again

We have a problem. You know that. Note, I didn’t say you have a problem because I believe we all need to take some ownership for it. That said, as the leader of my party (and the government) it’s down to you to dig us out of the quagmire.
I will start this in saying I think you get a rough deal from many conservatives. That’s not to say you don’t deserve a lot of the criticism you receive. However, many within our conservative ranks harbour grudges (that seems to be the way of the world). A large percentage is incapable of accepting people over time change their views on certain issues. Or should I say they won’t accept you personally can change your position without an ulterior motive! At the risk of raising the indignation of people who may read this, its rubbish to think people’s opinions never change. Even people you don’t like. We frequently change our positions on key issues as we become better informed or our circumstances change.
I can’t and won’t claim credit for the bulk of this comment. It came from one of the smarter contributors to comments in the Australian but it highlights the issue beautifully. He posted it in response to the article on Alan Jones demented rant this week.
I will leave the ‘delcon’ reference in, in the interests of accuracy although personally don’t like labels.
It reads; “One has to wonder what would satisfy the delcon brigadiers. Abbott signs the RET, Turnbull retains the policy, but Abbott is a true Liberal and Turnbull ‘labor-lite’. Abbott increases taxes, Turnbull cuts taxes, but Abbott is a true Liberal and Turnbull ‘labor-lite’. Abbott introduces a ridiculous paid parental scheme, squibs it, Turnbull leaves it where it belongs, but Abbott is a true Liberal and Turnbull ‘Labor-lite’. Turnbull has a go at reforming 18C, Abbott squibs it. But Abbott is a true Liberal and Turnbull ‘Labor-lite”. Abbott establishes the TURC, Turnbull implements the key recommendations with the ABCC. But Abbott is a true Liberal and Turnbull ‘Labor-lite’. There are none so blind”
There is more we can add to the list. As an example; Tony Abbott increased the refugee intake in response to the Syrian crisis. You maintained the target, ensured the strictest of vetting and ensured it was majority of Christians who we took in.
Tony Abbott threatened to reform the senate and then squibbed it. You drove through a change of rules (a start if not the optimum result yet). You called a double dissolution and won the election albeit by the slimmest of margins.
Once again in these cases Tony Abbott is a true Liberal but you are viewed as ‘Labor-lite’ and in the case of refugees you are labelled a Muslim appeaser. Labor wouldn’t do any of the things you have done. So labelling you ‘Labor-lite’ is absurd.
So yes, I do believe you get a rough deal from certain conservatives over your image. I also think you get a rough deal given the policies the government has managed to get through the senate in recent months. Particularly budget repair initiatives albeit once again not everything, a lot has been achieved. More than was getting through previously.
I will go off topic for a minute. Like most Grans my Granny was a firm believer in idle hands need work. I’m also a believer in idle hands mischief make and can be very destructive. I speak from personal experience here. This leads me back to our problem and the so called feud with Tony Abbott.
It appears to me, Mr Abbott who fuels a lot of discontent (despite his prostrations to the contrary) needs a meaningful job. He has idle hands so he mischief makes. It must be difficult to make the switch from being on the front-line for so many years to now play on the benches. He has been in the position of Cabinet Minister, Opposition Leader and then Prime Minister. As a backbencher he has significantly less to occupy his time. He’s an action man. We know that. So he creates his own action none of it very positive.
You and government can’t afford to keep dealing with the distractions when there are more important things to focus on. You can no longer afford to have the good things that are achieved be drowned out by media feeding off snipping and infighting. This is what leads to perception issues. Sadly, far too many people don’t read beyond a headline.
I’m one who believed keeping Tony Abbott out of the cabinet was a good idea. I’ve had a rethink based on current events and I think now is the time to give him a job. It will take leadership courage to do it, but it will achieve positive outcomes. Let's face it what do you have to lose? It raises you above pettiness. If you give him a job based on a portfolio that he’s extremely fond of giving advice on, it means he needs to ‘put his money where he’s mouth is’. 
Tony Abbott delivered on two key election promises with the help of some very good ministers. Stopping the boats and removing the carbon and mining taxes. After that he stumbled. So now is the time to test just how good he really is. Give him something meaty that he now appears to be the expert on and that will deliver a significant result to the electorate. Support him and if he delivers let him take the credit. We all win in that case; him, you, the government and the electorate. If he fails bury him once and for all.
Don’t give him something soft like Indigenous Affairs. That won’t test him. Scrapping or restructuring the Human Rights commission and reengineering 18C would be meaty. As would cutting the RET. Both of these are on his five point plan. They are measurable as well. If successful we should see a lift in the polls.
This comment was made in an article titled the Golden Age of Phony. ‘It used to be said that actions speak louder than words. But today, the opposite is true; words matter more than actions. People are judged by intentions not results.”
We see this in our political arena daily. Media drives it. Social media feeds off it.  It’s time to reverse the trend and get back to profiling results. We need to stop the chatter. Remove the soap boxes and get results onto the front page and infighting and snipping off. Let Tony Abbott show he can actually contribute to the results that he believes are game changers. But contribute in a meaningful way with actions not words. The question is, will you do it?  

Monday, 17 April 2017

A Time To Reflect

It doesn’t matter whether we are Christians or not. Or whether we are believers or not. We all need to take time to reflect. This time of year is one of those times. 

We live in a wonderfully complex, beautiful, but deeply damaged world. A world that's too often uncaring, unforgiving, cruel, and devoid of second chances. Daily, we are regaled with doom and gloom. The media and others seem to prefer that to promoting the positive things that happen every single day. 

We have world leaders who appear to be more intent on destruction than unity. It's easy to be overwhelmed and to lose faith and to lose hope. Even those of us who live comfortably in stable, prosperous countries are not immune from this. Let's face it far too many of our western leaders are consumed with blowing up someone else's home. Eagerly cheered on by people who live thousands of miles away corralled in the safety of their comfy homes. I suspect they wouldn't be so gung-ho if someone was blowing up their world. 

Now more than ever we need leaders who will instil belief back into the community. Leaders who will do something positive about helping to deliver a better world than the one far too face today; both real and perceived. It is up to us to force them to do it. Assuming that's what those of us who live in the free world want. I don't mind admitting when I read what's posted on social media I have my doubts. 

Perhaps the world is a manifestation of what so many project. I agree with Mr King when he says; 

"I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Let's not lose hope that one day we will all enjoy a better world than many live in today. God bless.